- Wait Period: Do not contact us until at least 7 days past the estimated reporting date.
- Check Credit Karma: After 7 days, verify that the tradeline is not reported on both TransUnion and Equifax in your Credit Karma account.
- Update Confirmation: Ensure your Credit Karma account has been updated at least 7 days past the estimated reporting date.
- Requesting a Refund: If both conditions are met, you may request a refund.
Instructions for Requesting a Refund:
- Written Requests: All requests must be emailed to nonreporting@myprebuilder.com.
- Include Information: Your Name, Card ID for the tradeline, date of purchase, date your Credit Karma account was last updated, and your Credit Karma username and password for verification.
- Refund Process: Our refund department will confirm the information within two business days and issue a refund within two business days if confirmed. The department is closed on weekends.
If Your Tradeline Is Posted to Only One Bureau:
- Higher Proof Required: If the tradeline is posted to one bureau, a higher level of proof is needed to show it did not report to at least two bureaus.
- Accepted Reports: A fresh “3 Bureau Credit Report and FICO Score” from CreditCheckTotal.com, a 3 Bureau report from MyFico.com, a 3 Bureau Tri-Merge credit report from a mortgage company, or other industry-specific 3 Bureau Tri-Merge reports on a case-by-case basis.
- Email Proof: Send the proof to nonreporting@myprebuilder.com with your name, Card ID, and date of purchase.
- Refund Confirmation: Our refund department will confirm within two business days and issue a refund within two business days if confirmed. The department is closed on weekends.